miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

Environmental Awareness

ENVIRONMENT Cartoons by Chris Madden at

At the beginning of unit 5 we have seen a cartoon similar to this one  whose objective is to explain the way we deal with our environment. Next I'd like you to have a look at the following images. Choose one of them and  explain the rest of the class what's happening in it and why you have chosen it and its connection with our the concept of environmental awareness.

ENVIRONMENT Cartoons by Chris Madden at

ENVIRONMENT Cartoons by Chris Madden at

Añadir leyendaENVIRONMENT Cartoons by Chris Madden at

ENVIRONMENT Cartoons by Chris Madden at

Let's celebrate Christmas

Christmas is about to arrive, so it is time we learn a little bit more about the way Christmas is celebrated in some English speaking countries.
Have a look at the following powerpoint presentation and do the activities here proposed. I hope you enjoy the activities.