martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013

Writing is not an easy task. It requires careful planning, a good knowledge of the different types of texts we may find, and of course lots and lots of practise writing ( which is one of the most important goals this year)
Next I will offer you a scheme to bear in mind when planning the most typical types of texts Bachillerato students will work with.



It must answer to four basic questions; WHO? / WHEN? / WHERE?. This is called the setting
At the very beginning you have to be sure to offer an overview of what  answer the objet/ person /picture is about. Answer these question: WHAT  / WHERE and WHEN. Useful language “This picture shows / I can see…
It always refer to a controversial issue. Start your text with a general statement pointing out both sides of your argurment. Avoid giving your opinion.
From the very beginning you should state your own opinion about the given topic so as to convince the reader. It is a good idea to start with a general statement and then present your opinion.


It develops the story so it must answer to the        question WHAT?  (description of a problem), and HOW?(solution). IT means there may be as many paragraph as you want. They all should be introduced by a temporal connector. “ at first / then / suddenly / when

Different paragraphs giving all the possible details and assumptions of what you  can see. Follow a logical order (It is useful to use situational linking words of the sort “In the foreground /At the top…”
Any description must be full of adjectives (adverbs as modifiers)
The best idea is to write two paragraphs. One of them for each type of ideas.
Then start with a connector and with a general statement followed by ideas or examples to support that statement.
Do the same for the next paragraph.
As many paragraphs as you need (2 or 3) are good enough. All of them must be introduced by a different connector, and they must first state an argument supporting your opinion and then develop that idea to the end of it. Remember your object is to convince the reader


I refers to the end of the “story”, so you must be sure to answer the question HOW IS IT FINALLY SOLVED? . IT should be introduced by a temporal connector marking the end such as “in the end”, “at last” “finally”, “eventually”
In the last paragraph it is very convenient that you use your imagination and make assumptions or even recommendation if you are describing a place
“Maybe / perhaps / possibly / I believe / ….”
After reading the whole description the reader must get a clear picture of what you are seeing
Introduce a conclusion connector, then summarize your arguments. Do not include any new idea.
At the very end you may offer your opinion but be clear it is your personal opinion.
It must be clear that you are concluding your text, therefore, don’t be afraid to use a connector to mark conclusion. It should be a summary of the given ideas. Never include a new idea in your conclusion.